Tuesday, August 16, 2016

(Video) Lease Options: Discover How to Sell Properties Using Lease Options

Lease Options: Selling Properties Using a Lease Option By REIClub.com

I have a short video for you today that will go over two important points everyone should consider.

These two points are the following: 

1. The benefits of selling your property using a Lease Option in great detail.

As you watch the video, some of the perks you will learn of using this method are as such:
  • Retain ownership of the property while having a tenant buyer in place paying you rent monthly 
  • Tax benefits 
  • Higher monthly cash flow

2. How to sell your home as a Lease Option with regards:

  • Marketing
  • Background & credit checks plus..... forms
  • Structuring the deal 

If you do not feel like doing all this on your own, we can assist you. We have all the tools and  

systems already in place to do the following:

  • Market your property to get it sold quickly
  • Thousands of hungry tenant buyers on our lists that are looking for quality homes to purchase
  • Automation in order to screen out the potential tenant buyers who are not serious and want to waste your time
  • Background checks
  • Credit checks 
  • Plus....much much more!

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