Saturday, October 22, 2016

Been 90 Days....My Realtor STILL Hasn't Sold My House!

First and foremost, I want you to know right from the start that this blog post is not going to 

be me bashing on Realtors. Rather, I want you to know and use this blog post more as a    

" road map" and "guide" for you and your real estate agent to follow in the event that your 

Realtor is having trouble selling your property for the following two reasons:
  • The time frame in which you want it sold
  • The purchase price you want
3 Signs That Your Home Is Not Going To Sell Any Time Soon

Here a few reasons why your real estate agent is having trouble selling your home for the 

price you want and/or in the time period that you desire.

  • If you see that you are getting some calls but no offers, most of the time you are simply over priced.
  • Also, if you are getting showings, but again, no one is making offers, you are over priced. 
  • Lastly, if you are getting a lot of "low ball" offers - you guessed are over priced.

I know for some homeowners, hearing that their home is over priced is not their favorite 

thing acknowledge, is what it is. It's important to me  to be upfront and honest with 

you. I am in no way implying that your house does not have the value you feel it does. What 

I am saying is that in the given market that you are in, what you are being offered for the 

property (or not at all), is what the market will bear at this given time.


The truth is that your Realtor may have not told you this, or they have tried to tell you this 

directly or indirectly, and for one reason or another, you still decided to price the home at 

what you wanted, but still higher than what the market will bear.

How to Sell Your Home In 7-14 Days,...Even If You Are Over Priced
The statement that I just wrote above may seem a little odd, since I just told you that the 

reason the house is not selling is because you, your Realtor (or both) have over priced your 

home. I was talking specifically about the purchase price here. When that is too high in a 

market where you are trying to sell in the "conventional" manner - the house will sit.

 One choice you have is to simply do the obvious: Lower the price.

On the other hand... you could sell your home "Rent to Own" as another option.

When you sell your property, "Rent to Own" using what's known as a "Lease with the 

Option to Buy" (or "Lease-Option" for short, you can price your home in ways you could not 

do otherwise in a "conventional" market. 

3 Ways You Can Sell Your Home Using a "Lease-Option"
That You Can't Do...When You Are Selling "Conventionally"

Selling your property on a Lease-Option opens you and your home up to a market you're 

currently not tapping into right now. It's the smart and savvy investor way to get 3 times the 

exposure to a given property and getting it sold in a 7-14 day period, without paying one 

penny in commissions.
  • You instantaneously avoid the problem of your property not appraising in your current market
  • You can most of the time get 10-20% more than the market value for your home, because you are exchanging a higher price to your tenant-buyer for great terms that allow them yo qualify for your property when they might not otherwise.
  • Because you are selling on a Lease-Option, it does not matter if you have zero equity, or even if you are slightly "upside down" and owe more than what your home is worth. That is because you are selling on terms and into the future and not in today's market. Please understand that there is much more to this, and how it is actually structured than what I have stated in this blog post today, so please do not yell and scream, "What???" 

    That's not true! or "My Realtor said you are full of it, Daniel!"


    Take a deep breath!

    Again, this blog post is meant to be an "overview" (a simplification), not an in depth look at 

    how to structure your unique situation, based on your specific wants and needs. However, if 

    you are interested and would like to to learn the specifics, and even have us craft a specific 

    offer for your particular wants and needs (with no obligation whatsoever), click here now.


    We will show you how we can help you, even if you have an agreement with a Realtor. We 

    can do this because we do not represent you nor are we trying to take their listing away 

    from them. We act strictly as Principles, and represent only ourselves. In doing this, this 

    allows you to leverage our expertise without having to pay us a dime in commissions or 

    even consulting fees. We are paid only by the "end" tenant-buyer we bring (and pending 

    your approval of), and by them only.

    How We Can Help Your Help You... Get Exactly What You 
    Want When You Sell (Even If You Are Locked Into A Listing Agreement).

    If you and your Realtor are finding yourselves with a property that just won't sell, and you 

    are both open minded to an alternative method to selling your home, click here now.

    All that we need to do is slightly modify your original agreement so that we can ensure you 

    get your house sold, and your Realtor gets paid upfront vs. waiting till the end of the lease 

    term to get paid. In the end, you won't have a second mortgage to pay for and your Realtor 

    will get paid for all of their hard work.

    We will structure everything in a way that we get paid too, this ensures everyone is happy. 

    Please feel free to have your real estate attorney involved in every step of the way as well, 

    if that helps to put you at ease with this process. We have been doing this 100% online 

    without a problem whatsoever. We have nothing to hide and as I mentioned earlier, it's 

    important to be upfront and honest with you right from the start.


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