Monday, November 14, 2016

Landlord? 11 Questions You MUST Know The Answers To Before You Approve Another Tenant.

If I were looking for assistance with selling my property online, the following would be a list 

of questions that are important to me when deciding who to work with regarding the 

transaction. This especially holds true if I decided to work with someone who was out of 

state and with whom I may never physically meet or see.

Maybe You Can Relate to Some of the Following Concerns As Well

1. "Scams: The Internet is riddled with them. How do I know you are not one of 


Answer: You are correct that there are a lot of scams online. I would recommend that you 

always consult with a real estate attorney first, and never ever wire money to anyone.

2. "What is the catch? How do you get paid?"

Answer: The is no catch. We get paid by the "end" tenant-buyer to whom we assign the 

Option rights based on your pricing and terms.

3. "Does the Title stay in my name? What about the mortgage?"

Answer: Yes, both the title and the mortgage stay in your name as this is a rental with the 

"option" to buy and not a sale. 


4. "Do you have tenant-buyers for my specific house right now?" 

Answer: It's hard to say until we see your home and determine it is priced correctly. If the 

answer is "yes", then getting a tenant-buyer is easy for us.   

5. "What if they destroy my home? Then what?"

Answer: While anything is possible, recognize that a tenant-buyer is putting down a 

considerably large non-refundable cash payment that far exceeds that a straight-renter 

would put down (who has no intention of buying). Which is more risky?

6. "Do your buyers pay us directly?"

Answer: Yes, they pay you your portion (the "Option Fee") directly and our "Option 

Assignment Fee" will come directly to us.

7. "Are you licensed in my state?"
 Answer: No, we do not represent anyone but ourselves. We act solely as private investors.

8. "How fast can you find someone for our home?"

Answer: Typically 7-14 days when the rental amount is priced correctly. Longer if it is not. 

9. "Can my real estate attorney review your contracts once drafted?"

Answer: Yes, of course. We encourage that both your real estate attorney and accountant 

advise you as we do not provide legal nor accounting advice.

10. "How do you qualify tenant-buyers? What's the process?"

Answer: We check everything except their credit scores, because if they had perfect credit, 

they could qualify for a regular bank loan and would not need you or I. They MUST remove 

any and all doubt, however, of any concerns of their current financial strength, so you feel 

100% comfortable. We sell all documentation to you for your review before assigning the 

contracts, of course. 

11. " I have my house listed with a Realtor. Can you still help me?"

Answer: Yes, since we are not Realtors in your state, and technically we are buyers of the 

"Option" contracts, assigning the contracts to an "end" tenant-buyer for a profit, there is no 

conflict of interest with your Realtor at all.

If you have had these questions and concerns in the back of your mind as you search for 

help online, solutions, and ways to sell your home without paying commissions or fees, you 

are not alone.

Honestly, I don't blame you one bit. I would think these same things. My wish is that these 

answers have shed some light and clarification on who we are, what we can do for you, and 

have helped you better determine if working with us would be a good fit for your specific 

wants and needs. 

We Believe In Full Transparency and Full Disclosure (We avoid a lot of drama this way) we 

have fears and concerns on our end as well. At times, we have been "burned" by people 

that we have worked with in the past, trust me when I say, we understand. Even with 

contracts, every once in a while there have been sellers that have tried to cut us out of the 

picture and steal our buyers we have found for them. 

So...concerns really can go both way, correct?There is an old saying that goes to the effect of: "That which we compromise to gain, we 

ultimately lose."  
What Is The Point?

The point is that you always do the right thing, and win in the long term.

If you still have questions regarding the ones above or others (this is not an exhaustive list 

by any means), please reply back to this email now. I will personally answer any questions 

you may have, and there is no commitment to with with us. Our goal is to help you, the 

"end" tenant-buyer, and ourselves win. It's a "win, win, win" for all parties involved. We do 

not want you spending thousands of dollars on needless commissions or fees, or ultimately 

having to lower your price over and over again, because your house has been sitting on the 

market collecting dust.


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